Camel Cricket Control Lacey NJ

Camelback Cricket Control Lacey NJ


Camelback Crickets Lacey (Cave Crickets)

Camelback Crickets Lacey. Camelback crickets or also known as a cave cricket. They have large hind legs with drumsticks-shaped femora, and long, slender antennae. The antennae upward closely and next to each other on the head. They are brownish in color and rather humpbacked looking, always wingless, and up to 2 inches. The body of the baby crickets may look translucent. As the name defines, cave crickets are commonly found in caves. However most cave or camel crickets live in other environments like cool, damp, such as wells, rotten logs, stumps, hollow trees, and under basements of homes in the more populated areas.

Their distinctive limbs and antennae serve a dual purpose. Typically living in the lightless and environment or active at night, they rely heavily on their sense of touch which is limited by reach. While they have been known to take live in the basements of buildings, many cave crickets live out their entire lifetime deep inside actual caves. In those conditions they sometimes face long spans of lifetime with not enough food or access to food. Given their limited vision cave crickets will jump at the predator to try to scare it but in

actuality the cave cricket is harmless. Cave crickets and camel crickets are a nuisance in the buildings and homes especially basements. They are usually accidently get into the houses. They generally reproduce indoors, especially in situations that provide continuous dark, moist conditions, such as a basement, shower or laundry area, as well as anything that has been living.

Camelback cricket control starts by eliminating any and all desire to make a home in the basement by removing all moisture. Usually installing a dehumidifier on a permanent basis will get any excess moisture out and keep it out of the basements so you can eliminate camel crickets and any other pests that enjoy a moist environment. Also you can fix and make the damp proofing of the basement better by fixing leaks, and ventilating the space as well. Any potential food that they feed on is disposed of. This food might be very small, but regular vacuuming of the basement should be good. Also if the camel back cricket has decided to make the basement a home it also probably means that nearby is another home, often a pile of leaves or some debris. Moving this and sealing any unwanted entrances will help also.



Other Crickets That Can Invade Your Lacey NJ Home


Field Crickets Lacey NJ

Field Crickets Lacey NJ. Field crickets can’t live for long inside so they’re considered just an occasional invader. Field crickets are really accidental invaders; they live outdoors but may occasionally find their way indoors. Field crickets habitat is usually in high grassy areas and in the ground or under lawn debris. They are quite harmless but may scare you when they jump. These are true crickets. They like moist areas such as mulch or in woodpiles as well as under stones and leaf/plant debris. Field crickets do feed on dead animal and plant material.

House Crickets Lacey NJ

House Crickets Lacey NJ. House crickets are light yellowish-brown with three dark bands behind the head, and long, pointed wings. Their body length is about 3/4 inch long. House crickets are common outdoors and are particularly common around garbage dumps. Like field crickets, house crickets are strongly attracted to light. They feed on plant material and dead or weakened insects. House crickets can feed on fabrics, such as silk and wool, and can cause severe damage, especially if they are numerous.