Fly Control Sea Bright New Jersey

Fly Control Solutions For Your Home Or Business

As your expert fly control in Sea Bright, Ozane Termite and Pest Control has significant experience handling fly problems. Our techs in Monmouth and Ocean County are highly trained and employ the most current fly control methods. 

Is is very important to properly identify the species of fly that is present so that where the flies are breeding can be determined. Ozane’s treatments are aimed at both adults and larvae to get quick and effective control.

Ozane’s service technicians will utilize a variation of fly control techniques to accomplish its goal of reducing and eliminating fly populations in around your home or business. These are some of methods that may be employed to do so: 

  • Fly exclusion treatments
  • Liquid applications 
  • Fly baits
  • Improved sanitation
  • Removal of decaying vegetation
  • Insect Light Traps 


Sea Bright NJ Fly Control Solutions Indoors

Flies can become a very serious problem when they enter a home or business. Flies can easily contaminate food and begin reproducing indoors. Ozane Termite and Pest Control offers various indoor fly control solutions to its customers.

Utilizing a number of different methods to prevent flies from gaining access to a home or building, Ozane Termite and Pest Control technicians will sometimes use fly baits and liquid applications in certain situations.

We always will explore non-chemical treatment options first before recommending an insecticide treatment. If a chemical treatment is necessary, customers can rest assured knowing that a state-certified Technician will apply the treatment safely and effectively. 

In certain commercial business applications, Ozane may suggest the setting up of insect lights traps. Ultra-violet (UV) light is a great lure to entice many species of flies. Insect light traps can control flies indoors 24-7-365.

Sea Bright Fly Control Solutions Outdoors

It is extremely important to keep flies from entering a home or business. As your Sea Bright fly control experts, Ozane techs are skilled in making effective fly control treatments outdoors and indoors. In particular circumstances, Ozane may do exclusion services to eliminate fly access points. Flies will many times enter buildings through open doors and improperly screened windows. Doors that close themselves and tight-fitting window screens are always a great suggestion for helping prevent unwanted fly entry into a building.

Ozane may also recommend to put into place better sanitation controls and removal of decaying organic material. Sanitation that is done properly will always make areas less attractive to flies providing great Sea Bright fly control.


Common Fly Species

House Fly

The house fly is the most common fly found in and around homes and businesses. It has a worldwide distribution and is prominent in the United States. House flies are not only nuisance pests around homes, but they are potential disease carriers. House flies have don’t live very long, but they can quickly multiply at a rapid pace, causing large house fly populations if not correctly identified and controlled quickly.

house fly control Sea Bright


Drain Fly

Drain flies are very small flies, about 1/8th inch in size. They are usually black, but may be brown. The key way to identify this fly is the distinct pattern of veins in its triangular looking wings. Drain Flies are also called moth flies, sewer flies or filter flies. Their bodies and wings are covered with many hairs making them appear furry. If squished they leave a powdery smear. The flies are usually found near drains, but they should not be mistaken for the Fruit fly, Phorid fly, or Sphaerocierid fly which can also inhabit drains.

drain fly control Sea Bright


Blow Fly

Bottle or blow flies lay eggs in decomposing organic matter, like garbage, animal manure, decaying vegetables, grass clippings and poorly maintained compost piles. These flies have an important role in the environment in the decay process of dead animals and are usually the first insects to arrive within minutes or hours after an animal dies. When these flies suddenly appear inside, it means one of these decaying sources is producing flies and should be found. There are commonly only a few things that need to be looked into. The first possible source is there is a leak in sewer lines where sewage is seeping from the pipe where flies can get to it. A second possible source is garbage that has not been taken out or often enough. In the summer, flies can lay eggs in meat and vegetable scraps in your trash can and can go through an entire life cycle in less than 7 days. When fly maggots finish eating, they will often crawl away and pupate in out of the way places. Many times these maggots or pupae are discovered by homeowners who do not know what they are. Vacuum or sweep them up and dispose of the bag. If any are missed, they will emerge later as flies. Third, it could be they body of a dead animal.

Blow-bottle fly control ##City#


Cluster Fly

Homeowners are that used to killing flies in the kitchen during the summer. Cluster flies usually make their first appearance known in the autumn when they fly to the sunny sides of homes in search of places to overwinter and may be discovered flying inside homes or businesses, often in large numbers, throughout the fall and winter. Cluster flies are not breeding in the structure, but become animated on warm days and crawl out of hiding places inside wall voids and attics trying to find their way outside.  Cluster flies are thought to be originally from Europe and may have travelled to North America in the bottom of ships that had soil and the cluster fly host for their larvae, earthworms.

cluster fly control Sea Bright