Leisure Village West NJ Rodent Control : Mice and Rats

Leisure Village West NJ Rodent Control : Mice and Rats


Common Rodents That Invade Homes and Businesses


House Mouse

mice control Leisure Village West NJ

Mice Control Leisure Village West ##Stateabbr##

House mice do not cause such serious health and economic problems as do Rattus norvegicus and Rattus rattus. Mice are agricultural pests in some areas, however, and they do eat and contaminate stored human food with their fecal material. They also destroy woodwork, furniture, upholstery, and clothing. In addition, they contribute to the spread of diseases such as murine typhus, rickettsial pox, tularemia, food poisoning (Salmonella), and bubonic plague.

House mouse (Mus musculus), rodent native to Eurasia but introduced worldwide through association with humans. Highly adaptive, the house mouse has both behavioral and physiological traits—such as the ability to survive in buildings and aboard ships, a tendency to move into agricultural fields and leave when the habitat changes, and a rapid rate of reproduction—that allow it to thrive wherever humans do.


Norway Rat

Rat Control Leisure Village West NJ


Rat Control Leisure Village West NJ.

This rodent or “gnawing animal” has fur that is thick and comes in colors that range from brownish to red to gray to even white. Most of the rats have a white belly. Some nicknames that mean the same thing would be brown rat, house rat and etc.….. These rats were accidently introduced into America in the late 1700’s from ships from Europe and now this rodent can be seen in about 48 of the 50 United States. It is pretty much anywhere and if your house has rats it’s most likely a Norway rat.


The little rodent lives in very close to where people live. These rats are amazing swimmers and can even live around docks and anywhere where there are people living such as houses, warehouses and even sewers. They like to make their nests under buildings and at ground level places.The female rats come into heat every 4 or 5 days. They breed in the spring and the fall. They are always having babies and a female rat can have more than 20 babies in one single mating season.


Roof Rat

Leisure Village West New Jersey Rat Control

Leisure Village West NJ Rat Control

What are roof rats? Roof rats – also called black rats or ship rats – are smaller than Norway rats, but cause similar issues. This rodent gets its name from its tendency to be found in the upper parts of buildings. The roof rat is thought to be of Southeast Asian origin, but is now found throughout the world, especially in tropical regions.

Roof rats are primarily come out at night. They forage for food in groups of up to ten and tend to return to the same food source time after time. These rats follow the same pathway between their nest and food. Roof rats live in colonies and prefer to nest in the upper parts of buildings. They can also be found under, in and around structures.

Roof rats secured their place in history by spreading the highly dangerous bubonic plague. Though transmission is rare today, there are still a handful of cases in the U.S. each year. Roof rats can also carry fleas and spread diseases such as typhus, jaundice, rat-bite fever, trichinosis and salmonellosis.





What are rodents?

The class of mammals called "rodents" actually contains a whole lot more than just mice and rats. Rodent refers to any animal whose incisor teeth continue to grow, and so they have to continually to gnaw in order to keep them short and functional.  Critters in this group include mice, rats, squirrels, capybaras, nutria, chipmunks, prairie dogs and others. 

Why do I have rodents?

Mice and rats are “commensal” rodents and like to be near people so that they have a readily available source of food. The definition of the word "commensal," means 'to share one's table'.

Are they dangerous?

Rodents can carry as many as thirty-five illness that humans are susceptible to, which is another reason to eliminate them as soon as possible. Cleaning up after a rodent invasion likewise needs a great deal of caution. This is essential because of the possibility of fleas or mosquitoes, which can also bring those diseases indirectly to you, your kids, or your pets. There is also a danger involved if you stimulate the dust of their nest and inhale bacteria.

Rodents can likewise harm your home or service. They can chew through some types of siding and other structural products and are popular to chew on electrical lines; thus, increasing the possibility of a fire. They harm other locations also and develop holes and chomp on various items – especially on food or food containers.

How do I get rid of rodents?

 Removing rodents can be difficult, but we are experts that can do all the work for you. This includes identifying their nesting areas, their feeding places and knowing how to eliminate them from your property. Proper cleanup is also performed, too, ensuring that you and your family are safe from possible future problems.

How soon can you get here?

At Ozane Termite and Pest Control we take all pest issues very seriously and are dedicated to helping you as soon as possible.  In many situations we can respond very quickly. Sometimes the same or very next day.

How can I prevent this in the future?

Rodent problems can be difficult to prevent. Call Ozane at the first sign of a problem is the best way to keep mice, rats and other rodents out of your home.  If you have rodents in your home or on your property, why not call us now and get a free estimate. Let us eliminate the guesswork, and bring our knowledge to quickly bring your pest problem under control.