What are Mosquitoes?
Thousands of species of mosquitoes inhabit the planet, although only about 150 species call the United States home. Mosquitos feed on nectar like many other insects but female mosquitos will also feed on the blood of humans and animals to assist with egg production. Mosquitos typically emerge from their daytime resting places to feed primarily at dawn and dusk. While the male mosquito does not have mouthparts suited to piercing human skin, the female does. Female mosquitoes will use their mouthparts to puncture skin and inject saliva into the wound to prevent the blood from clotting. The pain, itching and swelling from a mosquito bite is the result of the body’s immune response to this saliva. The blood meal taken by the female is used to supplement her diet with essential proteins and iron which she uses (along with carbohydrates derived from plant nectar) to assist in the development of her eggs. Mosquitoes in urban areas may lay eggs in ornamental ponds, rain gutters, bird baths, rain collection barrels, and other surfaces capable of capturing water.
Common Local Species of Mosquitos In New Jersey
Asian Tiger Mosquito-Aedes albopictus
Why do I have them infesting my yard?
Mosquitoes breed on or near standing water. This ultimately means that any source of standing water may become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. Because the female mosquito only requires a thin film of water in which to lay her eggs, tin cans, bird feeders, watering cans, old discarded tires, and clogged gutters may harbor these unpleasant pests. Mosquitoes are also known to travel as much as 20 miles in search of a blood meal, so it is safe to presume that they may also become problematic where no water source can be located.
Are they carrying deadly diseases?
Mosquitoes are well known as transmitters of disease and illness to humans, domestic animals and wildlife as well as causing irritation, discomfort and frustration. Among the viruses known to be carried by mosquitoes are:
For more information about the Zika virus from the Center for Disease Control (CDC). The CDC has information on their website regarding Zika in the United States. View their site by clicking here.
Mosquitoes also pass on Canine Heartworm to domestic animals. This disease is a huge concern for pet owners across our region. Protecting your family and pets from mosquitoes that spread disease requires a thoughtful, innovative approach to pest management.
How do I get rid of Mosquitoes?
Reducing the instances of mosquito bites and breeding areas can be an extremely frustrating task for any property owner. Homeowners in Ocean County and Monmouth County NJ can call Ozane Termite and Pest Control to do the mosquito control in Manalapan NJ and let our highly trained staff begin by making a inspection of your property. From here, we will consult with you to ensure that your mosquito problems are taken care of as quickly and effectively as possible. Contact us today to make an appointment.
Is the treatment not harmful to people and pets?
Your safety and health is our #1 priority. That’s why we apply materials that have been registered by the EPA for pest control use.
How do I prevent mosquitos in the future?
Preventing mosquitoes can be very difficult but there are some measures that can be taken to minimize the risk of future problems: